Everyone always has fids of wishes – eat delicious food, dress nicely, have a good rest. There are much fewer people who would take a risk. "Travelling" on a couch by the television or at a cinema, a person empathises with the events occurring. But not everyone would like to be a true participant…
From my childhood movies, I have memories of Indians hunting for scalps, treasures in caves, hard conquests of the Andes, raging rivers, and poisonous snakes.
But my wish will not come true just because I want it. The Divine Ones have their own view on that. Contact sacred parts of the world, fill up the energy, receive information from the thin world are the tasks They set for me. And one of the major objectives during my trips is to discover clean souls in people.
August 5, 2008. Lima, the national capital of Peru. A great and very clean city, founded in 1535. The city is located on the Pacific shore. The history of Peru is excellently described in history books. I would like to tell about my unusual meetings only.
Frankly, I did not read anything about the history of Peru. But I had very knowledgeable guides, and their information about the country's history was comprehensive.
Day One – meeting the city. The government building is surrounded with military vehicles on the alert. Little time had passed after riots in the country – military coups, robbery and murder.
The government building. I was there just in time to see the changing of the guard.
Santo Domingo, an ancient Roman Catholic church which decorates the central square with its unique architecture.
I liked Lima by night much better. It looked mysterious. There were the "other" in the room, they were kind and gave me the energy of love.
We went to the Larco Herrera Museum, a rather large one. I was met by a weird dog at the entrance to the building. We have "bald" cats called sphinxes – but I have never seen dogs like that. It is a Peruvian breed – very funny dogs!
The museum has a lot of earthenware reflecting the life of the ancient Incas. There are also a lot of erotic items.
Watching a movie about the Inca emperor is one things and seeing their clothes and decorations is another. Walking on the earth trodden by them is an unrealistic sensation. In one of the museum section, I was approached by the spirit of the dead and engaged me in the conversation between the guide and himself. There were many different contacts. But those contacts were for the guide rather than me. There were three guides in total. Excellent people. That is why information was related to them. I was waiting for something unusual happen to me – things I had not seen. The time has probably not come yet.
August 7, 2008. I flew to Chiclayo. I was met by a young charming girl. It was her eyes that struck me. They were irradiating an interior light, so shyly as if afraid to open up to the world. On the same day, we went to Sipán (Huaca Rajada). I had some funny contacts in the museum. When the guide was telling something, the Other came to explain things in detail – things unknown to modern people. The guide would just shrug his shoulders and I had fun. I learned a lot about the Inca history from the guide's and the Other's tours – the history of the people I loved. This people would get up in my memory, from some deep subconsciousness, flashing out in various situations.
We went to Túcume, the valley of cursed pyramids. First, I was surprised by the name. But when we got on top of the tallest mountain, the guide and the Divine Ones told a lot about the valley. The pyramid was built to praise gods so they saved people from floods and droughts. And bloody human victims were offered. If the pyramid did not help, another one would be built. And so, a good number of them were eventually built. It's a pity they were built from clay, and so their initial shape did not last long.
August 8, 2008. We arrived in Trujillo. We visited the Huaca de la Luna, while the Huaca del Sol was closed. But even there, I had contacts. And again, the information was for the guide rather than me.
In the Temple of the Dragon, the Divine Ones told information absolutely opposite to what people had thought. |
I may be confused with the names of the temples as they are too numerous. But I assure you, being in an ancient land is an indelible impression! |
We went to the Pacific Ocean to wash our feet in the biggest and greatest ocean on the earth. After that, I headed to the airport.
August 9, 2008. I came to Lima again. The guide who met and saw me off three times was a very responsive and gifted person. Meeting her made a very good impression on me as she was sincere and friendly.
August 10, 2008. I am going to Cuzco, a magnificent Inca-Catholic city. The Divine Ones provided information about temples – but again for the guide. Looks like I am being ignored again!
A terrific Inca temple! It's a pity it has been built into a catholic temple. It is now like two cultures in one place. |
Those pyramids were built from huge stones and still look intact. Sacsayhuamán was often shown on TV. And I put my feet on its steps, transfixed.
The joyful Inca. |
Ollantaytambo – you can't run the steps fast. They are built on a hill, and the building is huge, too.
August 10, 2008. In the evening, we agreed to pay a visit to an Inca known to all Peruvians. We had agreed to have a meeting with him long before my arrival. But unexpectedly, he had a backache, and the Inca invited us over to his place. We decided to have dinner and then go visit him.
We came to a small vegetarian restaurant and ordered dinner. We had to wait for quite a long time. Some time later, I felt bad. Now I would go pale, then green, then red, sweating profusely. I was as bad as in Tibet, when I for the first time was approached by Ishwara. I refused dinner, paid the bill and rushed to the hotel. I did not have any strength left to take off my clothes, so I just dropped on my bed. Crazy, unbearable headache and pain in my chest. I felt my neck swell and cheekbones turn inside out.
I was approached by the aliens who occupied the whole room. Black-and-grey skin, and their faces are all speckled with some signs, lines and images. They are very short, 50 to 70 cm – just like kids. They have big black horizontal eyes shaped like a peach pit, but without pupils. Their hands are small, and palms like those of one-year-olds, with five fingers. I must have felt so bad because of their presence. I felt so bad I could hardly think or speak a word, or move. I was just gazing at them like a fish with bulging eyes, wantonly. I did not feel any sign of kindness. I had strange feelings – alien, savage feelings. I began regaining my ability to think. The only thing I could think of was call Amun-Ra for help. I called him using his cosmic name, Yuoni. I was yelling and calling for help, but my pain dissipated only by the morning, after injections in my head. In the morning, when I came up to the mirror, I saw bloody ellipse-shaped brands on both cheeks, with inscriptions inside the ellipses. They were changing fast like captions. I was looking into my face and did not believe my eyes. My only wish was to have nothing left on my face. The captions disappeared from my face, and the ellipses stayed on. The guide saw them. When I told what had happened to me, the guide was shocked. The brands stayed in my cheeks for quite a while.
August 11, 2008. We visited the Pisac Valley. On the way there, the Inca women were selling their hand-made items.
We then headed for the llama farm. A llama came up to me putting its head on my shoulder and trying to wrap me with its neck. It was so funny! |
Having gone farther ahead, we were among the locals whose business is dyeing the wool. Llama wool is very soft, and they dye it with natural dyestuff.
We went to a local bazaar. Almost all Incas wear long hair. So exotic!
We stopped for lunch, and the Incas were playing wonderful ethnic music.
Man, it was so hard to get up the top of the magnificent pyramid. When I was going up, I felt presence of the Other, and the photos confirm this. The people are small, and the ball is rather big. One can see a person inside it in the camera – but none in the picture.
When I was going down the pyramid, the Other were accompanying me. |
The cactuses are inhabited by some black bugs. The bugs are picked up, crushed, and their red juice is added to the fabric to get the natural red colour. |
I stopped for the night in this picturesque hotel before going on the next tour. |
August 12, 2008. We took a train to the sacred mountain of Machu Picchu. |
As soon as we came there, we went to the top of the mountain – the other one, not Machu Picchu. |
On the way, the Divine Ones were talking with my guide. The way up was not difficult but influenced by the altitude, so I took frequent rests sitting on ancient rocks and admiring the majestic beauty of the Andes. |
I decided to "nose" into those openings. In one of them, I felt energy, took a photo – and I was right. Somebody pushed me hard into the opening, and my head had a painful contact with the rock.
We were passing by a strange stony structure. I took the guide along. We went up the seven steps and entered a place. The sun was beaming through the foliage, and an isoscales triangle was lit on the ground. This was the minute when the sun was lighting up the way the reflection was seen on the earth. If I came there earlier or later, I wouldn't see any reflection. The triangle had some signs. But there was nothing around apart from the thick foliage and these strange rocks.
We went up and into the temple for meditation. |
The view from the top is just excellent! |
I really liked this flower, bruminia. I wanted to bring it home and try growing it in our climate. But they grow on rocks and in the tree bark, high up the mountains. When we came up to the meditation temple, I had a rest and rushed into the jungle to find the flower. I was not afraid of spiders or snakes. I did find the flower, and it had lived in the pot for five months, and then died. It's a pity it could not strike root…
There is an ancient Inca town not far from Machu Picchu. It is not inhabited but is rather a remnant of the great civilisation. We walked building by building, and near the industrial area, the Divine Ones made three injections on top of the left side on my head. Very painful. I felt like every hair bulb was covered with furuncles. Blood streaked out of the injection spots and dried into small volcano-shaped spots. The guide saw me suffer but could only offer sympathy.
The Other visited me at night. An invisible body was breathing fire and pulsing in front of me. First, I thought it was my breath bouncing against something and returning fire in my face. You know, like people breathing into their palms to sniff their breath. I held my breath as long as I could. But no, the fiery breathing went on – breathe in, breathe out – a dragon breathing and pulsing violently, or as if a huge heart was beating hard – boom, boom, boom. There seemed to be a creature near me, with high fever. This breathing and beating continued all night long. I felt as if I was being observed.
When the guide and I were having a walk in the ancient town, something told me I should go up Machu Picchu. The guide said it was a very difficult way up. But I had to go – and I did. |
The mountain is 2,400 metres high. Indeed, the way up was hard. Good steps changed into boulders far apart from each other. The narrow pathways bordered the abyss on one side and rocks on the other. Going up is half the trouble, because I had to back down clutching the steps and vegetation with my fingers. And it was scary to look down into the abyss. But when you face the steps, it's not that terrible at all!
The vista on top is majestic. The Incas used to grow food on those cascades. |
August 13, 2008. I have already written that I had an agreement to meet a famous Inca. But the meeting was postponed due to his illness and the unexpected contact with the Other. But upon return to Cuzco, I managed to meet him. We decided to meet each other in the middle of an old stone-paved yard. As soon as we saw each other, we hugged and remained so for quite a while as if reading the history of our former lives. Then he performed a rite for the four Gods. I told me a lot about myself. We sat down, and the Inca laid out coca leaves. This mild narcotic plant is considered to be sacred. He read the coca leaves. It was weird to hear the words meaning the same as the Divine Ones said. He also said he was surrounded by a force that he could not describe. He asked me to tell more about myself. Of course, the Inca was speaking Quechua, and the guide was interpreting and taking photos.
The Divine Ones then decided to render the words through me to the Inca. When I touched him, energy was reflected on the photo of my hands. All photos the guide had taken were clear, but this one looked as if surrounded by some energy. I, too, felt strong movement around, but this did not hurt me. When I was telling the Inca about himself, he said he had seen it in flashes. And now, many more things became understandable for him. It was cold outside, and the priest was sweating. His body was swept in fever. He told me that when he came to the hotel.
We then went out to take a photo at the sacred stone. The Inca was feeling bad, and had kidney ache. I offered to treat him. We went into a room, and I was treating him for 30 minutes. The Inca then said that when I applied my hands to his kidneys, a fire flew into his body, and he was short of breath but felt much better right away. In the morning, when we called him to ask about his condition, he was all right. I was missing the Inca terribly.
At night, the Inca dropped by the hotel to thank me, and gave me a gift. This stone is considered to be sacred by the Incas. It had been held by his ancestors, and given from a son to a son. I tried to refuse the gift but he insisted saying I deserved it. I felt embarrassed because it was a holy relic of his people. After the meeting with the Inca, I don't ask the Divines Ones about myself any more. All answers are just too similar, no matter whether I hear them in my head from an invisible companion or from a living person.
While walking in Cuzco by night, I took a photo of a being, up in the left. |
On our way, we went to a Catholic cathedral with pictures of the holy family.
My guide explained it was the cross of the victor. We are at 4,335 metres above sea level.
The temple of the sun. |
The Catholic cathedral can be seen not far, with St. Mary dressed like this. Having travelled a lot of kilometres, we came to Lake Titicaca, the city of Puno. The long way influenced me, and I was very tired. I went to bed at 7:00 PM, not willing to go anywhere. On our way, there were flashed in my eyes, and various fiery signs and eyes were seen. After that, I had a feeling of sparkling eyes as if I had been watching someone weld without a mask.
I stretched my tired legs on the bed and heard conversations in Spanish, many voices and different tones. At the same time, I felt some energy – kind energy rather than aggressive. I began staring in the dark of the room but saw no one. The conversations went on. I had listened to the conversations in Spanish for quite a while and then said I did not understand anything. Some time later, I heard a man's voice speaking broken Russian, quite clearly. I never saw the one who was talking.
In the morning, my guide picked me up to get to Lake Titicaca. |
A wonderful lake! |
People live on floating islands. They tie them up to huge boulders – very romantic, and no civilisation.
And they use boats like these. August 14, 2008. We went to the Uros islands. |
The Incas were buried in such tombs. |
At last, I am going back to Lima. My charming guide spends the last hours with me to complete the task and send me on to Chile. Farewell, the beautiful ancient country! Farewell, the country of the Incas!