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Main Question-answer What religion is the most true?
What religion is the most true? PDF Print E-mail

All religions are true. They are all united by one wish – teach people to love each other, protect and rationally use what is around them. We are all but a particle of the huge organism called God. Jesus preached to “love thy neighbour as thyself”, and then there will be no wars, homicides, robberies or violence. Because you love your children and do not want them to be sick. You do not take housing or wealth from them, so why not treat all people the same way? We are all the same and cannot be split into the bad ones and the good ones. People are not born bad, they become so in the course of their lives. So why not help them with good advice and smile at their aggression? A kind disposition suppresses rage. Jesus preached not to repay evil with evil. Try responding with a kind word to any offence or stretch out your hand to help a person who shows ill will towards you. This way, you will help yourself.


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